The University of Christian Studies and Seminary
“Learning to the Highest Degree”

The University of Christian Studies & Seminary offers degree programs at every level in an extended campus format. This allows the students to have their coursework in hand. Most assignments may be submitted to the main UCSS office in Alaska on-line, evaluated, recorded in the student’s transcript file, and then returned to the student via on-line contact. With easy access to courses, UCSS staff, and professors, you are closer than ever before to engaging and completing your degree program. We can take you as far as you feel led to go in both undergraduate and graduate studies.
Call today for a free consultation on your degree status. We’ll tell you right where you are and what you need to do to finish your degree program. Also, ask for our free academic catalog. It contains all the information you need to get your studies going and moving toward great achievements. Go to the applications page to get started. To have a catalog sent to you at no charge, send your name and mailing address via email to:
—–Watch UCSS webcasts on the UCSS Facebook page and on YouTube.